Carpi: Collezione Filati compie 20 anni

Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

Schermata 2016-07-04 alle 09.30.50

The  6 e 7 July  the fair  COLLEZIONI FILATI CARPI  in the Room  Roberto Veroni of  Villa Ascari,  via S. Giacomo 27,  in  Carpi.

The event, created in 1997 with the name Idea Filati, takes its origin from the initiative of a group of agents representing the learder  companies in the sector of yarns. From  2007 the exhibition is organized  twice a year at Villa Ascari in Carpi. The winning idea is not to be in competition with the famous and rooted international fair  Pitti Filati;  instead,  the scope is to integrate and deepen it:   first of all the exhibition  gives the opportunity to participate also to companies not present at the Florentine  event;   moreover, in an environment more intimate and less dispersive, the agents  can develop with customers  a closer and high added value relationship, devoting them  their full attention and showing their proposals in an ideal context.