
A centralized information office is operative. You can apply to get directions, materials, guidance, introductions to companies and contacts, organize work-tours in the District.

The secretary (English and French) is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30AM  to 1:00 PM.
Contact person: Norma Patelli
Tel. +39 059 649357

    Name (required)

    E-mail (required)


    Message (required)

    This is to inform you that, pursuant to Italian Leg. Decree No. 196/2003 on the protection of people and other subjects regarding personal data processing, all data directly provided by you to our company or to other companies of the Carpi Fashion System in Italy and abroad may be processed following the abovementioned legislation and the confidentiality obligations our company abides by.
    “Personal data" means any information about a natural person, legal person, body or association that is identified or may be identified, even indirectly, by means of reference to any other information, including a personal identification number.