    Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

    CARPI –Twelve foreign buyers for forty women’s wear and accessories companies.  These are the figures of the second incoming event of 2016, promoted by Carpi Fashion System with the financial contribution of the Foundation CR Carpi and  organized by  Promec (organization for the internationalization of the Modena Chamber of Commerce ) in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia. The group of buyers, coming from Japan, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Latvia and Lithuania were hosted in Carpi last   29 and the  30 November. In the halls of  Palazzo dei Pio companies have showed their collections Autumn-Winter 2017-2018 with some supplementary models  of the collections Spring-Summer  2017. «We are at the fifth  edition and the companies are more and more increasing:  this time  5 companies of the province of Reggio Emilia too  took part to the event – explains  Roberto Bonasi, president  of  Expomodena and manager of Cna Federmoda –.  It has been therefore necessary to divide the exhibitors in two different activity days. In the morning they  come to the Palace to look at the collections while in the afternoon, according to the b2b meetings results, they visit the companies  which have raised their interest». «Buyers have been selected by  Promec based on demand and supply   prior evaluation, so as to   maximise the effectiveness of contacts – says  Federico Poletti, President of  Lapam Moda –. Most of them work for chain stores of the medium- high segment which  are interested in our quality standards».

    This edition  as well  proved to be positive for supporting the development and internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises of the territory which, in their town, in an evocative location and at low cost, can get in touch with some important distributors, agents, importers and representatives of international retail chains (Cla.Ros)


    VOCE, 1/12/2016