Carpi Fashion System, the project promoted by the district business Associations and the Municipality of Carpi will continue its activities for the triennium 2015-2017, thanks to the decisive financial contribution of 1.200.000 Euros granted by Fondazione CR Carpi which confirms this way its attention to the support to the district fashion Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
The project, taking into account the success of the first edition in the previous triennium, will therefore go on with its activities aimed to support the Textile and Clothing sector of the area, in the branches of Internationalization, Training, Innovation and Promotion which have been singled out as overriding for responding to the more and more pressing challenges of the market.
Fondazione CR Carpi, CNA, Confindustria, Lapam-Confartigianato and Municipality of Carpi, thanks to the results achieved, will continue to pursue a common path and activate common synergies, guaranteed by these system activities, in order to foster and stimulate the district fashion companies to research and adopt strategic and innovative plans.
The project planned actions will result in the co-financing of projects involving the local Fashion SMEs which want to improve their presence on the international markets and promote themselves at a national level too.
These projects will include several initiatives, implemented in order to give the companies a real improvement of their activities on the markets, keeping at the same time a logic of integrated production chain which jointly operates in the international field. Furthermore the project will develop several projects for the promotion of the fashion district through actions of territorial marketing aimed to the valorisation of the district fashion product and of the local production chain.
Precisely in consideration of the quick evolution of the international markets the subjects involved in the project agree to modify in progress, if necessary, the planned actions, according to the variable market conditions. This option, aimed to guarantee the best organizational flexibility, originates from the will of following and taking all the arising opportunities.
It is noted that the funding won’t be distributed in order cover “in total” the costs incurred by the companies; on the contrary they’ll be granted in percentage according to the spent amount, entailing a double benefit: on the one hand it will allow a larger number of companies to take part to the initiatives; on the other hand it will achieve the guarantee of a real will by companies to improve their performances.
The SMEs of the district will be therefore, thanks to the project activities, supported and fostered in the activation of innovative and strategic plans:
– in the areas of market and internationalization, singled out by the companies as the most important field to renovate and promote themselves , through the research and singling out of new markets, the increasing of the propensity to export their products on the foreign markets, the brand policies, the marketing and communication plans;
– in the area of Training, through the implementation of vocational courses and seminars in order to update the skills of Human Resources already employed in the sector or about to be inserted, responding this way to the training needs, originated by the technological, organizational and market changes;
– in the area of innovation with the implementation of a durable system, able to effectively transfer to companies the technological suppliers knowledge and innovation, the experimentation results and able to make available to companies the district patrimony of creativity, techniques and know-how.