Fashion Companies gathered at the Castle for welcoming the buyers

    Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

    Gazzetta, 1st  June 2016

    The mannequins at the centre of the courtyard and, on  the porch, the stands of the participating fashion companies .

    The Incoming  event took place yesterday at the presence of 31 companies and some important  foreign professionals and buyers coming from different European and Asian Countries. A formula that, thanks to the financial support of the CR Carpi Foundation, is  gathering  more and more appreciation both by companies and customers. After 2 p.m. the initiative continued in some  companies selected by the buyers. “There is much interest from the potential buyers –  it has been reported by the company owners- and we do  hope this interest will turn into orders”.

    Meanwhile the results of the recent local fair Moda Makers were announced: the exhibition was visited by 320 fashion professionals, coming  from various Italian Regions, from the main European Countries and from Israel, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Japan.  The Carpi Fashion System staff who coordinate the events announced that they are still working on the fair and exhibition of next November 2016 where the participating companies will show the collections Autumn/Winter 2017-2018.